
Types of Webhooks

Webhooks can automatically send a request to a particular URL when a specific event happens on the blockchain. With the help of webhooks, tasks can be automated or blockchain activity can be integrated with other services.

Contract Events

A smart contract that calls emit and logs an event to the Blockchain triggers this event.

  • The listener can be applied to all contracts or a defined list of addresses.
  • Available filters are determined by the event definition provided. Every argument can be used as a filter. Number values can be converted using formatEther() and bytes optionally converted into strings.
  • Data available for passing to a HTTP-Endpoint are the derived arguments from the event definition. Additionally the function call for the contract can be passed, if an ABI is provided or the ABI is publicly known.
  • Generic block information can be passed with the transaction id, origin, clause index, block id and number and timestamp.

Possible use cases are:

  • Oracles that respond to data requests (HTTP Request, Random Number, etc.)
  • Indexer to provide improved searchable databases
  • Notifications on certain events, for example connect IFTTT to send an email when a new NFT is minted or offer received

VET Transfer

A transfer of VET between wallets triggers this event.

  • Available filters are: from, to and amount
  • amount can optionally be converted using formatEther()
  • Data available for passing to a HTTP-Endpoint are: from, to, amount
    • Generic block data and an optionally present transaction call of a smart contract are available the same as for regular smart contract events.

Possible use cases are:

  • Notifications on transfers, for example connecting IFTTT to send an email notification when Multi-Signature wallet activity is detected
  • Analytics collectors to build statistical information

Raw Transaction

A transaction that was included into a block triggers this event.

  • Available filters are: origin, delegator, gasPayer, reverted, paid, expiration, gasPriceCoef, gas, gasUsed, reward, nonce, dependsOn, size
  • paid (VTHO gas fee) and reward (VTHO reward to AM) can optionally be converted using formatEther()
  • Data available for passing to a HTTP-Endpoint are: origin, delegator, gasPayer, reverted, paid, expiration, gasPriceCoef, gas, gasUsed, reward, nonce, dependsOn, size
    • Generic block data of a smart contract are available as well.

Possible use cases are:

  • Analytics collectors to build charts or queryable information

Raw Clause

A clause embedded within a transaction that was included into a block triggers this event.

  • Available filters are: origin, delegator, gasPayer, reverted, to, value, data
  • value (VET transferred) and paid (VTHO gas fee) can optionally be converted using formatEther()
  • Data available for passing to a HTTP-Endpoint are: origin, delegator, gasPayer, reverted, to, value, data
    • Generic block data and an optionally present transaction call of a smart contract are available the same as for regular smart contract events.

Possible use cases are:

  • Analytics collectors to build charts or queryable information