Sign In with Vechain
Verify Correctness

verify correctness

Using a third party Auth-Service puts trust in it. To confirm that verification works correctly, the identity can be confirmed by any application using the thor-devkit (opens in a new tab) and certificate verification.


The access token is a base64 coded JSON-Object that contains all information to manually verify the identification with Connex:

import { Certificate } from 'thor-devkit'
// decode access token from base64 to ascii
// and parse it into a session object
const session = JSON.parse(atob(accessToken))
// re-construct the certificate that was originally signed by the user
const certificate = {
  purpose: "identification",
  payload: {
    type: "text",
    content: session.signContent || session.code
try {
  // use thor-devkit to verify the signature
    signature: session.signature
  console.log(`${session.annex.signer} verified`)
catch (err: any) {
  // verification failed, err.message contains more details
  console.log(`${session.annex.signer} verification failed: ${err.message}`)