Relayer / API-Keys

Sending a Transaction


The API-Key-Secret is sent as header in X-API-Key and authorizes the request.

Bring Your Own Private Key

Optionally, a private key can be passed in the headers using X-Private-Key. This private key is used to sign the transaction instead of the default identity assigned to the API key.

Transaction Request

Transactions can be provided in different formats, with a focus on human-friendly interactions.

The OpenAPI Documentation for the Endpoint is available here: (opens in a new tab)

A transaction can be tested in the API documentation, and with the help of the Contract Manager, code snippets can also be generated.

Simplified String

<address>.<funcName>(...[type value])

For example:


Values with , can be escape with a \, for example: .funcName(string 1\\,5).


If an ABI definition is given, the function call is encoded using the ABI definition and the list of args.

	"to": "0x8384738C995D49C5b692560ae688fc8b51af1059",
	"abi": {
		"inputs": [],
		"name": "increment",
		"outputs": [],
		"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
		"type": "function"
	"args": []


Using a signature is simpler than an ABI, it is the function definition with data types and more human friendly:

	"to": "0x8384738C995D49C5b692560ae688fc8b51af1059",
	"signature": "increment()",
	"args": []

Raw Clause Data

Already encoded data can be sent as raw clause data:

	"to": "0x8384738C995D49C5b692560ae688fc8b51af1059",
	"data": "0xd09de08a"

Contract-Deployments can be achieved sending data without to.