How to..
Backwards Compatibility
Support Sync Browser and Sync2( lite)

Support Sync-Browser and Sync2(-Lite)

In the past weeks the same question re-appeared multiple times on how to implement Fee Delegation with Support for the Sync-Browser.

The Sync-Browser provides Sync v1 in window.connex and supports signing for manually imported Sync2.

Sync2 is what most modern dApps use now because it works out-of-the-box but bigger or older dApps try to support Sync-Browser.

Callbacks vs. Strings

The fee delegation behavior has changed and is incompatible.

Sync1 used callbacks:

await window.connex.vendor
  .comment("increment counter by +1")
async function getSponsorSignature({ raw, origin }) {
  const response = await window.fetch(DELEGATE_URL, {
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
      Accept: "application/json",
      "Content-Type": "application/json"
    body: JSON.stringify({ origin, raw })
  const { signature } = await response.json();
  return { signature };

Sync2 simplified it to an url:

 await connex.vendor
    .sign("tx", clauses)
    .comment("increment counter by +1")


Knowing the difference, a wrapper can switch between both.

Sync1 can be detected by looking at window.connex and it identifies with a version number (which Sync2) no longer does:

async function signTransactionWithConnex(clauses) {
  // detect Sync1 in Sync-Browser
  if (window.connex && window.connex.version.split(".")[0] === "1") {
    const { txid } = await window.connex.vendor
      .comment("increment counter by +1")
    return txid;
  // use default Sync2 behaviour
  const { txid } = await connex.vendor
    .sign("tx", clauses)
    .comment("increment counter by +1")
  return txid;

Don't take this solution as a blueprint, use the information and decide yourself what is best for you.

Example (opens in a new tab)